Kotli, Azad Kashmir - Postal CodesCity/Town/LocalityPostal CodeDelivery GPO B Al Brahmana11220Kotli GPOBaratlapaktive.com11032Kotli GPOMap of BaratlaBong Colony12010Kotli GPOCharhoi11250Kotli GPOMap of CharhoiChowki Mongpaktive.com11190Kotli GPOMap of Chowki MongGulpur11030Kotli GPOMap of GulpurGunni Malni11150Kotli GPOMap of Gunni MalniKala Dab11260Kotli GPOMap of Kala DabKhui Ratta11200Kotli GPOMap of Khui RattaKotli11100Kotli GPOMap of KotliMirpur Citypaktive.com10250Kotli GPOMap of Mirpur CityMohra Sharif Kotli11180Kotli GPOMap of Mohra Sharif KotliNakial11170Kotli GPOMap of NakialNar11040Kotli GPOMap of NarPanjera11120Kotli GPOMap of PanjeraPothapaktive.com11014Kotli GPOMap of PothaSarsawa11110Kotli GPOMap of SarsawaSeher Mandi11020Kotli GPOMap of Seher MandiSehnsa11010Kotli GPOMap of SehnsaSeri11210Kotli GPOMap of SeriTata Pani11160Kotli GPOMap of Tata PaniAll Azad Kashmir GPOs |